Implementation of corporate image. Santander Headquarters VIESGO.


La mise en œuvre de l’image corporative. RICOH. Mise en œuvre par l’étiquette de l’enveloppe singulière.


Implantación corporate image con corporeal letters en height. EON Santander headquarters.


Illuminated sign. Duro Felguera Headquarters.


Implementation of corporate image and customizing the TSK Group Headquarters – TSK – PHB – INGEMAS – IRELSA -. artistic intervention, reception space, parking, furniture, bright staircase, signage.


Corporate implementation spectacular LED and neon. Casino de Asturias. Industrial designer .: Jose Antonio Menendez Hevia

National implementation corporate with illuminated signs. EDP energy. Constructive elements, production and assembly in different locations.


Wayfinding project and implementation of the corporate image of the Finestrelles Shopping Center in Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona). Analysis of spaces and their flows, definition of signals and their content, graphic design of signage identity. Industrial manufacturing of the corporate image the shopping center and installation.

rótulo con letras corpóreas

Commercial signage for shopping centers
New illuminated signage for the Parque Principado shopping center rebranding operation.
Rebranding project for Intu Properties.
Corporate implementation throughout the Intu Asturias shopping center using illuminated signage, large corporate letters, illuminated banners, and illuminated monoliths in the parking lot.

Rótulo de grandes letras corpóreas.

Letras corpóreas en acero inox esmerilado. Implantación de imagen corporativa. Edificio Vela, BBVA. Madrid

letras corpóreas